
Requests and Offers

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Jesús Arenas
University of Zaragoza
subunit vaccines, biofilms, secretome, S. suis
1. Novel Technologies for Prevention, Detection, Assessment and Management of Animal Health and Welfare
We are interested in joining a consortium considering Streptococcus suis as a pathogen of interest. Specialist in secretome and subunit vaccines in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. We patented vaccines (LPS-deprived cell-based vaccine). We are specialists in analyzing virulence factors in different systems. We have a large collection of well-characterized clinical isolates of Streptococcus suis. We have animal models to study infection and vaccination: mice and pigs for both chronic and fatal infection. We established biofilm formation models emulating bacteria colonization, and access to pig farms and samples. We have a list of vaccine candidates generated through different genetic and transcriptomic platforms. We also have a pool of essential oils with bactericidal and antibiofilm activity against S. suis.
The University of Zaragoza is located in the highest pig production area in Spain. We are dedicated to studying Streptococcus suis. The University is provided with High technology systems and contacts with farms, diagnostic laboratories and pig production companies.