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Selina Laura Ulmann
FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Research Organisation
Animal Welfare Assessment, AWIN, Africa, Ethiopia, Sheep, Organic, Agroecology
3. Animal Health and Welfare and Society
- Organic Agriculture, Agroecology,
- Animal Welfare Assessment Tools/Protocols,
- Tropics, Africa, East Africa, Global South
- Pastoral Livestock Systems / Transhumance
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture. Its locations are situated in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary (ÖMKi), France and a representation in Brussels (Belgium) through FiBL Europe. FiBL’s strengths lie in its interdisciplinary research, innovations developed jointly with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research into practice.

FiBL has a highly competent staff with expertise in all matters organic: soil management and plant production, species-appropriate animal husbandry and holistic animal health, socioeconomic matters, organic food processing and comprehensive analysis of the organic market.

Along with practical research, FiBL places a high priority on advisory work, training courses and providing specialist information (studies, technical leaflets, reference books, websites).